Outside of using social media for work/business, please respond to the following statements about your personal social media use in general over the past 12 months.

(1) Never – (2) Rarely – (3) Sometimes – (4) Often – (5) Always

During the past month, have you…?

Please indicate for each of the following five statements which is closest to how you have been feeling over the last two weeks:

5 = All the time, 4 = Most of the time, 3 = More than half of the time, 2 = Less than half of the time, 1 = Some of the time, 0 = At no time

Below is a collection of statements about your everyday experience. Using the scale provided, please indicate how true each statement is of your general experiences. Please answer according to what really reflects your experiences rather than what you think your experiences should be. Please treat each item separately from every other item

1 = Not at all true of me, 2 = Slightly true of me, 3 = Moderately true of me, 4 = Very true of me, 5 = Extremely true of me

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