Course Description:

Students and teachers of art are welcome to join this seven-day advanced ceramics course. Throughout this course, participants will learn about wheel throwing techniques and methods to create their own ceramic pieces over three days, after which, they will clean, trim and add detail to their objects to further showcase their creativity for the next two days. During the final two days, they will be able to learn different techniques of applying glaze to fired pieces. Participants will have the opportunity to pick their four favorite pieces to be fired and glazed.


Course Objectives:

  • Practicing wheel throwing techniques.
  • Advancing one’s wheel throwing skills.
  • Throwing large amounts of clay.
  • Knowing the trimming techniques by using the wheel, adding details, and carving the pieces.
  • Finalizing pieces with details and cleaning. 
  • Acquiring knowledge on the different methods of applying glaze to the pieces.
  • Having 4 pieces glazed and ready to go to the kiln.


Course Outcomes:

  • To be able to center and raise the clay. 
  • To create beautiful pieces.
  • To construct large pieces.
  • To clean the pieces and make them ready for detailing.
  • To clean pieces for bisque firing.  
  • To utilize various glazing techniques.


Recommended for:
Students, teachers, artists and anyone interested in art


Lama Al-Halabi

Lama Al-Halabi is the founder and the owner of Khazzaf studio. She obtained her degree in Art & Design with focus in Painting & Ceramics from Missouri State University. Since 2012, she has accumulated her work experience. Moreover, she has trained more than 1000 participants and participated in several global and local galleries and events.

Lama Al-Halabi

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