Course Description: 

Western Music Theory is the study of the possibilities and practices of music. In this course, the participants will explore the topic by learning the basics of composition and building blocks of music. The aim of this course is to enable participants to compose basic progressions and write simple melodies under the supervision of the facilitator.

 Learning objectives:

  • A general overview of Music Theory

This class will help each participant grasp the basics of Music Theory which be a great asset to their compositions.

  • A new perspective

By learning the basics of Music Theory, the participants will approach music with a new insight that enables them to analyze music and the sum of its parts, providing them with the ability to dissect musical information.

  • An enhanced musical communication

By starting their journey with the Music Theory, the participants will have a new language to discover, which will assist in facilitating the communication of musical ideas between musicians by getting them acquainted with the established nomenclature and music jargon.

 Learning outcomes: 


  • Participants will learn the basic music terminology.
  • Understanding musical terms and theoretical concepts.
  • Learning new chords, scales, notes and progressions.
  • Having a basic ability to start analyzing and dissecting music.
  • Participants will understand the importance of ear training.
  • Participants will learn how to compose basic progressions and write simple melodies.


Recommended For: 
Musicians, Music Producers, Music Fans, Audiophiles, DJs.


Nasser Alshemimry

Nasser Alshemimry is an audio-visual artist who goes by the alias DesertF!sh, through which he honors his Najdi roots and his life on the coast of the Red Sea. Alshemimry engages in the world of sound as a composer and studio operator serving media, corporates, art galleries, and artists. From the visual side, he is delving deep into the world of interactive art through self-taught graphics processing. It is a topic of great interest by which he connects two mediums together sound and visual. 
 Nasser manages the Desert Dream Audio-Visual Agency, through which he instructs students from all around the kingdom since 2018. His gency aims to give back to the creative community by sharing the passion and love they hold for the arts through designated workshops and courses in the topics of Music and Audio-Visuals.

Nasser Alshemimry

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