Designs from Nature (ages 10-12)

First Session:

From 10 July until 20 July 


Second Session:

From 7 August until 17 August


Because of its richness as a resource, nature has always been a source of inspiration in various fields. Architects and designers have been greatly inspired by the mechanisms and structures evoked by all plants, animals and other forms of life. This track will take the participants on a journey to observe nature and learn about nature-inspired forms in architecture and design through biomimicry and bio-morphism. 

• Educational goals 
1. Instill a curious approach to nature as a rich resource that aids in design
2. To recognize the qualities of good design that empower people to value the difference between a mere building and a well-designed work of architecture.

• Key words 
1. Bio-morphism
2.Vegetal bio-morphism, anatomical bio-morphism
2. Biomimicry
3. Nature inspiration

• Day-by-day Schedule
Saturday | Orientation Day
On this day, parents can complete the registration forms and collect the participants’ camp kits. In addition, this is a chance for your child to familiarize themselves with the camp’s environment, learning spaces, facilitators and friends.

Monday| Nature as a Source of Inspiration

Designers and creative people use nature as an infinite source of ideas for their inventions, products and even architecture. On the first day, campers explore how designers use nature as an inspiration for design and architecture.
Then, they will have time to observe nature to get inspiration for sketching and designing.

Tuesday| Vegetal Bio-morphism

Nature as a rich source of inspiration creates a research base for architects and designers. On this day, children are exposed to biomorphic designs which simply derive shapes and forms from nature. Children take a closer look at vegetal bio-morphism that is inspired by plants and apply their knowledge through an observational journey around Ithra.

Wednesday| Anatomical Bio-morphism

The human body is a natural marvel that serves as a major source of inspiration when thinking of functional yet organically shaped buildings. On this day, children delve into anatomical bio-morphism to further encourage incorporating natural organic shapes and patterns into architecture. Children will explore the Ithra building as a unique bio-organic architectural style.

Thursday| Mimicking Nature

By using nature as our mentor, we experience the powerful healing effects it has by connecting to the natural world—while also finding empowering solutions to solve our architectural and design problems. Participants on this day observe the creation of products, processes and systems that solve our greatest design and architecture challenges through the biomimicry approach.

Monday| Sustainable Design

Biomimicry is a design method in which inspiration is sourced from non-human nature to develop sustainable innovations and designs. On the fifth day, campers are introduced to sustainable design. They use the associated activities to see how engineers gain inspiration from studying nature and its unique properties.

Tuesday | Biophilia

Human have always been drawn to, dependent on, and fascinated by the natural world. On the sixth day, campers are introduced to the concept of biophilia. Campers explore that living natural elements can be used in designs or architecture. 

Wednesday| Big Project 

It’s a special day for the campers to apply what they have learned and work on architecture that is inspired by nature. On the seventh day, campers work as a group to design a geodesic dome using natural elements such as bamboo sticks.

Thursday| Nature-inspired 

Through fun challenges, campers experience an adventure around Ithra to implement the previously learned nature-inspired concepts.

Thursday | (Family Experience)

Join us with your child for the final 45 minutes on the last day of the camp for a fun-filled family time to get a sense of what the children experienced during camp!

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