Investigative Journalism - From Ideas and Research to a Podcast


Course Description:

The prized jewel of any journal article is its ability to convey the news to the readers in a smart and tactful manner. This course concerns finding the suitable story or event to develop into a newsworthy story for podcasts. Throughout this course, participants will learn to acknowledge the factors to take into consideration when choosing the ideal idea to develop and transform into a podcast. This four-day course welcomes writers, journalists, media experts, podcast creators, news screenwriters and international news reporters to come and train their knowledge in terms of journalism and news reporting. They will learn how to develop news to a great extent, differentiate between types of journalism, identify what news is worth reporting, and journalism specific to podcasts.
This course will take the participants on an investigative journey through several milestones that consist of research tools, exploration and an introduction to the basics of journalism investigations, such as its meaning, process and how this differs from traditional news. Finally, they will gain knowledge on how to prepare the news for publishing.

Learning Objectives:

  • Strengthening one’s skills regarding journalism research and identification of newsworthy events.
  • Empowering one’s ability to differentiate the truths and news after strengthening their detailed research skills.
  • Practicing various methods and techniques regarding news development and auditory transformation.

Learning Outcomes:

  • To understand the meaning of journalism.
  • To understand the difference of important news in terms of the audience’s preference.
  • To learn the methods and techniques needed for detailed research about the news.
  • To obtain the knowledge needed to transform news from written to auditory.
  • To professionally organize the final reports of the detailed research and stream it on a podcast.


Rawan AlFuraih

Rawan AlFuraih is a researcher in the field of social anthropology, interested in creating content and storytelling. She holds two master’s degrees in social anthropology and information systems, and has published a number of research and scientific papers in her field of anthropology. She has worked with Thamanyah Co. on the production of a range of investigative docuseries and podcasts, and her Malcolm X documentary was screen in cinema houses. She has also worked on a number of miscellaneous cultural projects, research, and projects on the non-profit sector throughout her career.

Rawan AlFuraih

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