Course brief Description:

In this exciting and creative course, the facilitator aims to cover the fundamental aspects of creative writing for children and young adults.
During this journey over three days of four-hour sessions, aspiring writers for children and young adults will be exposed to the techniques and art of writing a creative story. They will cover various issues regarding the elements of a successful story and they will be exposed to a number of children’s books through discussions and evaluations.

Through writing exercises, participants will develop their writing skills. This course will prepare and encourage them to write their story under the facilitator’s supervision. The main goal of this course is to come out of the workshop with a professional story ready to be published.

Learning objectives:

  • Acquiring the basic knowledge of writing for children and young adults.
  • Comparing a number of children’s books through evaluations.
  • Mastering the basic skills of writing a creative story.
  • Writing their story under the facilitator’s supervision in a processional way, and ensuring its readiness to be published.

Learning outcomes: 

  • To obtain the basic knowledge of writing for children and young adults.
  • To master the skills of writing a creative story.
  • To write a creative story that will be ready for publishing, under the facilitator’s supervision. 


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