Course Brief Description:

This course is a great initiative for those who want to create their own podcast.
This course will take you on an interesting journey to achieve your goal starting from developing the main idea and goals, understanding and exploring the equipment needed, identifying the podcast type and style. All this knowledge will help you to write, record, edit, produce, and disseminate a great podcast.
The workshop will have hands-on experience on not only creating the podcast, but choosing the proper equipment based on its type, special effects, and best practices for making a successful podcast. 
Having a successful podcast requires dissemination of episodes through many different channels, including creating proper links, using social media, advertising online, etc. 

Learning Objectives:

  • Sharing the experience with the participants and leading them in order to create and start a podcast. Through helping them to choose the right podcast format, whether it's going to be scripted, interviews, or team based. 
  •  Being able to choose the proper equipment based on podcast type, level and cost.
  • Creating the podcast intro. Practicing to perform basic editing on Adobe Audition to create the intro.
  •  Working on how to host the podcast on a platform, and register it on Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts.
  • Acquiring the ability to plan for an episode by determining and defining the style of the episode. 
  • Searching for information about the topic and understanding the format of the episode if it requires writing or preparing a question as an interview based. Further understanding of the interviewee style of thinking and writing. 
  • Recording an episode of a podcast that was prepared in the course, and participants will interview each other.
  •  Applying more comprehensive editing tasks which will be learned on Adobe Audition.
  • Creating proper links to the podcast in order to be posted on social media in the most appropriate way. 
  • Obtaining the skills of advertising by using Google Ads and Facebook Ads.

Learning Outcomes:

  • To be able to choose the podcast name, theme, and format. 
  • You will explore the microphone, microphone arm, cabling, computer and software for editing and choose the right one.
  • Create and register your own podcast in Apple Podcasts, and Google Podcasts.
  •  subscribe to a hosting platform and register the podcast with Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts.
  • The ability to edit the intro using the very basics of editing tools on Adobe Audition. 
  • To plan and gather the information needed for the topic of interest, write short episodes, and prepare a few questions for an interview.
  • To record and edit a full episode of your podcast. The episode will be uploaded to the hosting company, and prepared to be launched. 
  • To create a link for your podcast to be listened to in your favorite podcasting app. 
  • To create an Ad on Google ads and learn how to use Facebook Ads in general.


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