The Lucas Magic Show is an international show for the whole family that combines incredible illusions, live music, theater, special effects and video projections--an immersive experience for all the senses. The show will be tailor-made for Ithra, using some of the components of Ithra as a common thread. LUCAS DI GIACOMO Lucas Di Giacomo is an illusionist and producer, with more than twenty years of experience in the show business and currently based in the fantastic island of Ibiza. Magic and illusion. He is a showman in capital letters with tours in cities such as Dubai, Paris, London, New York and Las Vegas to name a few. Lucas Di Giacomo travels round the world performing at top class events to some of the most prestigious audiences. His routines have been performed to world famous actors like Johnny Depp, Leonardo DiCaprio, Penelope Cruz and film directors like Steven Spielberg. His performances have delighted members of the Royal House of Holland, Spain, England and Saudi Arabia for more than a decade. “It is my intention to get the audience into my magical universe to disconnect from the outside world and guide them back to the times when they were children, and together with their help, achieve my greatest personal goal: BELIEVE IN TRUE MAGIC AGAIN!” – Lucas Di Giacomo

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