Explore what you have! Organize your closet, make it more functional, and discover the pieces you have hidden in your closet. Taking a sustainable approach to style, we'll learn how to restyle some pieces, sort out what we don't use, and organize! This workshop will look at creating a more organized and sustainable wardrobe. Exploring what we already own, how we can freshen it up, and what key pieces we might need to make our wardrobes more functional. We'll go over different organizational and storage techniques, learn about seasonal sorts, and some quick mending tips to keep our closets going.

Workshop objectives:
- Gain an understanding of sustainable approaches to fashion
- Learn ways to update existing pieces
- Understand the importance of organization

Workshop outcomes:
- Understand the importance of sustainability
- Understand the importance of organization
- Learn how to plan a wardrobe

Workshop outline:
Day 1:
* Sort! Look at what you have
* How to organize your closet
* What's missing?
Day 2:
* Sustainable choices
* Freshen it up - how to make small adjustments
* Mending techniques
* Planning looks


Zoom Link: https://ithra.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_DFJxr_opSo-FslJxXkG-qQ


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