أبواب المركز مفتوحة حتى الساعة 12:30 ص
فاطمة القحطاني
Fatimah Al-Qhtani’s sincere passion for art and design in general, combined with her experience as an art program coordinator at the renowned Alaan Artspace in Saudi Arabia, allows her to inspire others to their full potential. Following her graduation from King Saud University, Al-Qhtani attended various courses to develop her skills as an artist, including training at Scott Eaten’s art studio in London. She has hosted solo exhibitions in Milan and Riyadh, and began offering custom workshops at her studio in drawing, oil painting, silkscreen printing, animation, and storyboarding. Through her commitment to the field, Al-Qhtani has inspired over 300 male and female students of all ages — ranging from seven to 40 years of age — to draw and attend local and international exhibitions to maintain their involvement with the art world. Fatimah Al-Qhtani is currently the primary drawing lecturer at the Raffles Design Institute.