A 5-day workshop that will introduce the art of printmaking. Participants will experience and explore different techniques including monoprinting, drypoint and etching through a series of projects and experiments used alone or in combination, and learn to reinterpret existing artwork in print form.
Day 1
Monotyping is a very painterly way of dealing with printmaking which involves using inks freely on a plate which will be run through a press to create unique works with textures which cannot be obtained with any other media. Students will learn about inks and how to modify consistency and transparency as well as how to spread them and mix colors together.  Students will learn subtractive, direct and tracing methods.
Day 2
Students will learn how to prepare a plate: beveling the sides, degreasing and adding hard ground to protect the plate before placing it into an acid bath.
Students will transfer their drawing onto the plate or draw directly onto it. The plate will be placed in an acid bath and etched.
Day 3
Students will learn how to ink and print the plate. Registration will also be discussed.
Students will complete a small edition of prints before modifying the plate
Day 4
Students will work with soft ground to create textures on their plate
Aquatint will be used to produce tonal shifts and textures

Day 5
Students will learn how to use sugar lift to create painterly effects
Drypoint will also be employed to rework the plate
Scraping and burnishing will be discussed to learn about plate modification
Workshop Level: Beginner

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